Sunday, February 28, 2010

A brief personal message of appreciation to my "PROF" / mentor: A true impact in life now and forever"

"Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it." ~ John Hersey

When I came across this quote, instantly I thought of the man who taught me just what this quote means.

I would like to extend my appreciation to my professor (of not one course, but two at Penn State) for all the knowledge, time and encouragement he has given me. Through his teaching, guidance and most importantly his availability for his students, he has given me so much more depth and appreciation for journalism and books (to my book obsessive surprise).

He also took the time to encourage me outside the classroom with regards to challenging myself. Not only in my reading (choices/understanding and interpretation), but as well as in my writing. The challenge he gave me was to gain a deeper perspective and see something I would not have in the past. As a result of his inspiration, I continue to move forward in writing in my journal.

In my 40 years, I have never had a teacher or professor have such an impact on me. He's also given me the confidence to continue to succeed in my classes, work and life in general. My horizon has been broadened by him.

Thank you Prof. Berner!

What I have learned, I will carry on for a lifetime as well as pass it on to my children.

If anyone gets the opportunity to take one of his courses, I would suggest to jump on it! You should also check out and follow his blog! "The Spectator"

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